The high stakes world of mobile payments [Infographic]
Many companies seem to be jumping into the mobile payment game. Since almost every day a new player enters the market Mobile Payments Today has tried to capture in this infographic the companies that...
View ArticleCrowdsourcing and Crowdfunding Explained
A short animated film by, narrated by’s Founder, Carl Esposti, describing the four different ways Crowdsourcing works and the five different categories of things you...
View ArticleBrett King’s speech (Istanbul)
Brett King’s speech at the “Era of the Customer Marketing Summit” in Istanbul, 7-8 December 2011.
View ArticleBank 2.0 Challenges (presentation)
Backbase’s Jouk Pleiter presenting the top challenges facing banks when moving towards Bank 2.0. Bank 2.0 Challenges View more presentations from Backbase
View ArticleFuture Banks (presentation)
Excellent presentation by Chris Skinner on future banks. The bank of 2020 will be: Social Mobile Micro Mining Biometric but…still a bank! Latest Presentation on Future Banks from Chris Skinner
View ArticleThe Promise of Mobility: A Bank in Every Pocket (whitepaper)
Looking at the numbers of smartphone sales, it is no surprise that mobile banking is growing faster than any other channel. Of course this is going to have a big impact on banks: for them times are...
View ArticleReady for bank 3.0? (video)
In this ‘man on the street’ video, Brett King talks about the ideas he shares in his presentations for banks and financial services. His new book, BANK 3.0, has been published in the UK last October.
View ArticleSwiss banks and Social Media (report)
Here is an interesting report on how the Swiss banks are currently doing on Social Media. Thanks to Liis Männamaa. Social Media Branding: Credit Suisse, UBS and Julius Baer from digitalmarketingusi
View ArticleInnovation Imperatives for Financial Services (whitepaper)
There has been in 2012 of an increasing focus on innovation, and increasing investment in innovation across all the world by many banks; this is not a surprise as innovation should be an important...
View ArticleBitcoin and regulators
The digital online currency, which has been around for four years, essentially flew under the radar until the past two months or so, when tumult in Cyprus sparked a flight to bitcoins and sent it on a...
View ArticleBanks should Capitalize on Growing Number of Financial Transactions over...
[AUGUST 30, 2010 BY NINA ADELSON on] Retail banks largely missed out on opportunities to develop online financial services during the e-commerce revolution of the ‘90s. They may be...
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